Slider Size Not Working
Updated on December 20, 2016 in Sangar Slider
3 on December 13, 2016

I set my minimum height to 150 and my maximum slide height to 300, but it is still giving me huge carousel slider of at least 500 height. See

I have slider base width/height to 150.

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Moderator 0 on December 15, 2016


Have you tried Advance settings?

There’s settings for actual container size.

Thank you

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0 on December 16, 2016

I did try the ADVANCED SETTINGS. I have FULL WIDTH and HEIGHT=NO, minimum height=150 and max=300

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Moderator 0 on December 20, 2016


The slider seems not active. If you dont mind, can I borrow your wp-admin, so I can debug the issue? Also I can debug your another issue in another thread

You can use secret message bellow.

Thank you

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