[TIPS] Halaman Lisensi Tidak Menampilkan Form Inputan Setelah Pindah Hosting/Domain
Updated on June 6, 2024 in General
Moderator 3 on January 3, 2022

Jika Anda memindahkan website Anda dari hosting satu ke hosting lainnya (misal dari localhost ke server public) maka Anda harus mengaktifkan ulang lisensi plugin di website Anda. Namun ada kalanya halaman lisensi tidak menampilkan form inputan lisensi. Adapun untuk mengatasinya bisa lakukan langkah-langkah berikut:

  1. 1. Hapus domain lama yang sudah terdaftar di


    (jika ganti domain)

  2. 2. Masuk ke database server Anda (misal phpMyAdmin)

  3. 3. Pilih tabel wp_options (sesuaikan dengan prefix tabel Anda)

  4. 4. Cari option_name bernama tonjoo_plugins, lalu hapus row tersebut

  5. 5. Lalu coba aktifkan lisensi seperti biasa

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Weekdays: 09.00 - 17.00
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0 on April 27, 2023

tidak ketmu option itu bisa kasi query nya

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Support Hours:
Weekdays: 09.00 - 17.00
Weekend: Off
Sorry, our support is not available at this time. We will reply at the next working hour.

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Premium  0 on June 6, 2024

tidak ada obsinya mohon di bales

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Support Hours:
Weekdays: 09.00 - 17.00
Weekend: Off
Sorry, our support is not available at this time. We will reply at the next working hour.

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Premium  0 on June 6, 2024

tim customer support lama benar responnya sampai bertahun tahun

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Support Hours:
Weekdays: 09.00 - 17.00
Weekend: Off
Sorry, our support is not available at this time. We will reply at the next working hour.

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