Top Admin Bar Disappears on front end when activating Sangar Slider Premium
Updated on August 7, 2017 in Plugin
3 on August 4, 2017

I recently had to reinstall my premium version of Sangar Slider and Sangar Slider Add On. When I did, the top admin bar disappeared on the front end of the website and sometimes the entire back end became a white screen. Please help. What is the problem?

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0 on August 4, 2017

I am running WordPress 4.8.1

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0 on August 4, 2017

I have also noticed that all the sliders do this. I have downloaded and installed them all one by one. I am using a child theme of twentyseventeen called five hacks for twentyseventeen. The issue appears when you go directly to a front page using the view page link in the page editor instead of using the view site button and navigating to the home page section that page corresponds to. Navigation from the page the editor link sends you to will break your site if it has a slider on it. SO something is not compatible with sliders and 4.8.1 and your software is not exempt.

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Moderator 0 on August 7, 2017

Hi there!

Sorry for late response. Weekend is offday 🙂

And regarding of your issue, I already report this to our devs so they can investigate. White blank screen is basically WordPress trying to tell us what’s wrong, but you need to set WP_DEBUG to TRUE in wp-config.php. After that, you will see the error message.

Another info like your website and credentials also would be very helpful 🙂

Sorry for inconvenience

Thank you

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