Trouble with Licence activation and and Slides editing
Updated on September 18, 2017 in Sangar Slider
2 on September 15, 2017

1. My Sangar Slider License is not working since I changed domain name and reinstalled the plugin, It shows Licence not active.
2. I can’t edit slides using editing tools. Every new window pops behind the main panel and i can’t access it (except for the text tool).
3. I had posted about my post slider refreshing on cellphones 2 weeks ago, still no answer.


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Moderator 1 on September 18, 2017

Hi there!

Sorry for late response. I’ll try to answer your questions :

1. Please try do delete your domain from’s account, then re-activate the lisence on new domain

2. We will fix the issue 🙂

3. We cannot re-produce the issue. Can you please more detail/spesific about the issue?

Thank you

on September 18, 2017

3. The post slider refreshes and starts back to the first post every time I scroll down or up on a cellphone. It appears to happen with carousels and vertical pagination templates only.
Thanks you.

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